Podigee Blog - Mastering Podcast Magic


Recommendations for recording hardware - from professionals for beginners

If you want to start podcasting, sooner or later you have to deal with the technology behind it. The right equipment is the basis of every quality podcast and ensures a pleasant introduction to the world of audio. Before you dive into the floods of Google research - just let three industry professionals recommend their favourite starter packages here.


Recording Online Podcasts with the Right Tools (and Avoiding Mistakes) - Part 1

Anyone who produces podcasts knows the typical technical challenges that lurk in the background, such as background noise, interrupted connections or microphones that are suddenly no longer recognized by the PC's system control. The most important part of every recording is the excellent quality. But how is this achieved? Especially in times of #StayAtHome, when we cannot meet our podcast guests face to face?


How do I create a podcast cover?

In der Serie "Podcasts – alles, was du für den Einstieg wissen musst" schauen wir uns verschiedene Aspekte des Podcastings genauer an. In Teil 6 zeigen wir dir, wie du dein Podcast-Cover selbst gestalten kannst.


Music and jingles for podcasts

Podcasts - everything you need to know to get started: Part 5 - clarifies what you need to consider if you want to use music in your podcast.


How do I record a podcast?

In the series "Podcasts - everything you need to know to get started" we take a closer look at different aspects of podcasting. Part 3 is about microphones, recorders and surround sound.