Podigee Podcast Player

Why should I use the podcast player?

Your podcast deserves the best when it's played on the web


Embed the player into your own website, or allow your listeners to embed it on theirs.

Multi device
Multi device

Works on all kinds of devices, including smartphones and of course desktop computers.

GDPR compliant

Our webplayer is GDPR compliant. No personal data is transferred to 3rd parties by usage of cookies or trackers.

Subscribe button
Subscribe button

Build a loyal listener base and increase your reach with the built-in subscribe button.

Episode info
Episode info

Provides everything the listener needs to know about the current episode in a single place.


Adapt the player to your needs with our included themes – or create your own.


Built with the future in mind, it's ready to keep up with the evolving podcast industry.

Chapter marks
Chapter marks

Gives your listeners more control over their experience and easy access to favorite parts.


Allows your listeners to share links and audio snippets, or embed the whole player.


Make your content accessible to a wider audience and more easily findable through search engines.

Playlist support

Your listeners can browse your complete back catalog in one player.

Here's how to use the podcast player for your podcast

Create a Podigee account and host your podcast on our podcasting platform.

The player to embed comes for free!